最新話題 Latest Topic |
電壓驟降的應對措施 Measures to Address Voltage Dips |
逆境下的應對之道 The Way to Respond in Adverse Circumstances |
甚麼是優化現有升降機? What is lift modernization? |
HKIE「N展聯盟」之「工程師•話你知」 HKIE "Engineer Union" & "Q&A with Master Engineers" |
經常將“聽人講”掛在嘴邊的人,是無資格考牌 People who often say "listen to others", are not qualified to be CEng |
「講feel」港女 vs 「講feel」考官 Talking about feelings: Hong Kong Girls vs Examiners |
MHKIE / CEng / CPEng考牌常見謬誤及問題 Common misconceptions and issues in obtaining MHKIE / CEng / CPEng |
氣候變化對避雷系統設計的影響 The impact of climate change on lightning protection system design |
升降機的活塞效應(Piston effect) Piston effect of Elevator |
機電佬睇HKIE換屆選舉 BS Engineer observe HKIE election |
HKIE會員違紀投訴探討 Investigation of disciplinary complaints against MHKIE |
適合於考工程師牌(CEng / CPEng / MHKIE) 前考的細牌 Qualifications suitable to obtain before taking the Professional Engineer Exam (CEng / CPEng / MHKIE) |
CPD 分享 - HKIS Contractual BIM CPD Sharing - HKIS Contractual BIM |
行HKIE Scheme A有冇用? Is participating in HKIE Scheme A useful? |
工程師 (MHKIE / CEng / CPEng) 考牌時間表及面試形式 (MHKIE / CEng / CPEng) Exam Timeline and Interview Format |
人治?筆試?淺談工程師考牌兩大體系 Rule of man? Written test? A brief discussion on the two major systems for engineers to obtain chartership |
MHKIE / CEng / CPEng 寫文心法 - Complex Engineering Problems / ECUK Part A & B / Creativity and Innovation MHKIE / CEng / CPEng Engineering Practice Report EPR Tips - Complex Engineering Problems / ECUK Part A & B / Creativity and Innovation |
香港的機電工程合約形式 Forms of E&M Engineering Contracts in Hong Kong |
綠色建築認證 Green Building Certification |
屋宇設備工程師看空中浩劫(Air Crash Investigation) Building Services Engineers' perspectives on Air Crash Investigation |
工程界打工仔被控誤殺合集 Compilation of Engineers (Employee) Charged with Gross Negligence Manslaughter (GNM) |
HKIE Eng BIM Pro - 一個垃圾認證 HKIE Eng BIM Pro - A Rubbish Certification |
地盤抗暑血淚史 - 活用工程知識改善生活 Construction Site Anti-heat Struggles - Applying Engineering Knowledge to Improve Life |
BS用BIM做5D Quantity Take Off QTO要注意啲乜? What should be considered when using BIM for 5D Quantity Take Off (QTO) in Building Services? |
考工程師牌遇到唔合理嘅待遇,有冇上訴機制? Is there an appeal mechanism for engineers who encounter unreasonable treatment during their licensing exams? |
閒話當年 - 約廿年前full BIM做FYP(Design) Back in the day - About twenty years ago, full BIM was used for FYP (Design) |
工程合約BIM要求 - 高手只關心BIM USES Engineering contract BIM requirements - Experts only care about BIM USES |
閒話當年 - 顧問公司因為個洗手間出咗名 Back in the day - A consulting company became famous because of their toilet |
工程cap圖呃like秘技 Secret techniques for engineering cap drawings to get more likes |
為何幾乎冇人參加HKIE嘅導師計劃Mentorship Scheme? Why do hardly any people participate in the HKIE Mentorship Scheme? |
為何被HKIE fail嘅考生會唔服氣? Why do candidates who fail the HKIE exam feel dissatisfied? |
冇工程相關學歷,就一定考唔到工程師牌? Without an engineering-related degree, is it impossible to obtain chartership? |
做工程,考牌有X用咩﹗ Doing Engineering, getting chartership has no significant use. |
工程師看世界: 從幾張紙看出九龍城寨展覽的玄機 Engineer's Perspective of the World: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Kowloon Walled City Exhibition through a Few Pieces of Paper |
Conceal Conduit需唔需要BIM? Does Conceal Conduit require BIM? |
安達臣道的教訓 Lessons from Anderson Road |
HKIE RRA形同虛設 之 考官自訂遊戲規則 HKIE RRA is a mere formality: Assessors set their own rules |
考牌新捷徑﹕繞路中國內地攞MHKIE Obtain MHKIE via Mainland China |
考工程師牌真的需要碩士(Master)嗎? Is it really necessary to have a Master's degree to obtain CEng / MHKIE? |
考牌的禁忌話題 – 買簽名? Taboo Topics in License Examination - Buying Signatures? |
經RRA獲得MHKIE: 一系列不為人知的途徑 Obtaining MHKIE through RRA: A Series of Unknown Paths |
以真實數據揭示獲得MHKIE的時間 Revealing the Time to Obtain MHKIE with Real Data |
如何面對工程界職場霸凌 How to deal with workplace bullying in the engineering field |
MVAC 暖通空調 |
Cooling Load 冷負荷 |
Cooling Load Estimation by BIM 利用BIM軟件作冷負荷計算 |
Thermal Comfort 熱舒適性 |
Psychrometric Chart & Coil Sizing 焓濕圖及冷却盤管 |
Chiller Type 水冷機組種類 |
Chiller Operation Principle & Maintenance 水冷機組運作原理及維護 |
Chiller Selection Strategy 選擇水冷機組策略 |
Chilled Water Distribution 冷凍水分派 |
Cooling Tower 冷水塔 |
Cooling Tower Plume 冷水塔白煙 |
Heap Pump 熱泵 |
Pump Type 水泵種類 |
Pump Sizing & Selection 水泵計算及選擇 |
Water Pump Accessories 水泵相關組件 |
Dehumidification / humidification 抽濕及加濕 |
CAV & VAV 定風量及可變風量系統 |
Free Cooling (Air-side Economizer) 免費供冷 |
Fan Type 風扇種類 |
Window Type / Split Type / VRV 窗口機/分體機/變頻多聯 |
Indoor Air Quality IAQ 室內空氣質素 |
Noise Control 嘈音控制 |
Chilled Ceiling 冷輻射板 |
Refrigerant 製冷劑 |
District Cooling System 區域供冷系統 |
BEC BEEO 2018 MVAC 建築物能源效益(暖通空調) |
FSD Statutory Submission 消防署相關的法定提交文件 |
BS related BD Submission 屋宇署與機電相關的法定提交 |
Certifications for Occupation Permit OP 獲得入伙紙所需文件 |
FS 消防 |
Fire Hydrant / Hose Heel System 消防栓/消防喉轆系統 |
Sprinkler System 花灑系統 |
Sprinkler Head Layout & Pipe Sizing 花灑頭排位及喉管呎吋 |
Automatic Fire Alarm System 消防自動報警系統 |
Smoke Extraction / Staircase Pressurization / VAC Control 排煙/樓梯加壓/空調控制 |
Gaseous Extinguishing System 氣體滅火系統 |
Drencher System 水簾系統 |
FS Intermediate Booster Pump / Jockey Pump 消防中途加壓泵 / 增壓泵 |
Features of FS Pump 消防水泵之特徵 |
False Alarm 消防誤鳴 |
Generator genset Design 發電機設計 |
Pump Type 水泵種類 |
Pump Sizing & Selection 水泵計算及選擇 |
Water Pump Accessories 水泵相關組件 |
WSD Water Supply Application 水務署申請供水流程 |
FSD Statutory Submission 消防署相關的法定提交文件 |
BS related BD Submission 屋宇署與機電相關的法定提交 |
Certifications for Occupation Permit OP 獲得入伙紙所需文件 |
Electrical 電氣 |
Electricity Supply System 樓宇供電設計 |
Cable Sizing 電纜計算 |
Protective Device 保護器件 |
Lighting Type & Design 燈具種類及設計 |
Generator genset Design 發電機設計 |
Earthing / Lightning System 接地/防雷系統 |
Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS 不間斷電源 |
Lift / Elevator Design, T&C 升降機設計及運行測試 |
Lift / Elevator Safety Devices 升降機 / 電梯安全裝置 |
Motor Type 摩打種類 |
Motor Starting 摩打起動方式 |
EV Charger 電動車充電設備 |
Solar System 太陽能相關應用 |
BEC BEEO 2018 Lighting 建築物能源效益(電燈) |
BEC BEEO 2018 Electrical 建築物能源效益(供電) |
BEC BEEO 2018 Lift 建築物能源效益(升降機) |
Electricity Supply by CLP/HEC 中電/港燈申請供電 |
Certifications for Occupation Permit OP 獲得入伙紙所需文件 |
Plumbing & Drainage 供水及排水 |
Pump Type 水泵種類 |
Pump Sizing & Selection 水泵計算及選擇 |
Water Pump Accessories 水泵相關組件 |
Water Pump for Underground 地下水缸抽水水泵 |
Function of Pressure 壓力鼓作用 |
Noise Control 嘈音控制 |
WSD Water Supply Application 水務署申請供水流程 |
Drainage Statutory Submission 渠務法定提交文件 |
BS related BD Submission 屋宇署與機電相關的法定提交 |
Certifications for Occupation Permit OP 獲得入伙紙所需文件 |
Licensed Plumbers Written Exam 水考匠筆試內容 |
Renewable / Innovation 再生能源/創新技術應用 |
BS Innovative / Environmental Friendly BS Design 可持續性機電系統設計 |
Solar System 太陽能相關應用 |
Chilled Ceiling 冷輻射板 |
Cogeneration CHP / Trigeneratoin CCHP 雙聯供 / 三聯供 |
Energy Label 能源標籤 |
Retro Commissioning 重新校驗 |
DfMA / Prefabrication Components / MiC 預制件/組裝合成 |
BS Services Case Study 屋宇設備工程設計實例 |
Supermarket / Market MVAC Design 超市 / 街市暖通空調設計 |
Car Park MVAC Design 停車場通風設計 |
Isolation Room MVAC Design 隔離病房通風設計 |
Restaurant BS Design 食肆機電設備設計 |
Too Cold for VAV System 可變風量系統過凍修正方法 |
Super High-rise Building BS Design 超高樓機電設備設計 |
Don't Use Evaporative Cooling Devices in HK 香港用水冷風機係愚蠢 |
Generator Set Room Ventilation Design 發電機房通風設計 |
Hospital BS Design 醫院機電設備設計 |
Fire God Mountain Hospital Design 火神山醫院設計 |
Data Center BS Design 數據中心機電設備設計 |
Swimming Pool BS Design 泳池機電設備設計 |
Refuse Storage RS&MRC 垃圾站/物料回收房機電設備設計 |
Residential Care Homes BS Design 老人院機電設備設計 |
COVID19 BS Design 新冠肺炎機電設備設計 |
Football Field Lighting Design 球場燈光設計 |
Laboratory Fume Cupboard Design 實驗室通風櫃設計 |
BS Design for Different Types of Spaces 不同類型空間的機電設計 |
Contract 合約 |
Building Contract 建築合約 |
Charter 考牌 |
Chartered / Qualified BS Engineer Defination 香港屋宇設備工程師牌之定義 |
R.P.E. Certified Statutory Submission 註冊專業工程師可簽署的法定文件 |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer 1st Step 考屋宇設備工程師牌的第一步 |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer 2nd Step 考屋宇設備工程師牌的第二步 |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer 3rd(1) Step 考屋宇設備工程師牌的第三步之(一) |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer 3rd(2) Step 考屋宇設備工程師牌的第三步之(二) |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer 3rd(3) Step 考屋宇設備工程師牌的第三步之(三) |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer 3rd(4) Step 考屋宇設備工程師牌的第三步之(四) |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer 3rd(5) Step 考屋宇設備工程師牌的第三步之(五) |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer Final Step 考屋宇設備工程師牌的最後一步 |
Becoming a Chartered Engineer (Interview Questions) 考屋宇設備工程師牌面試問題 |
HKSAR Gov. MPS pt 32 BS Engineer Interview Questions 政府屋宇裝備工程師面試問題 |
Other Certifications for BS Engineer 屋宇設備工程師牌以外值得攞嘅證書 |
China BS Engineer Examination 中國內地BS工程師牌考試及制度 |
Interesting Thing about Chartered Exam 考牌相關的趣聞軼事 |
Others 其他 |
CCBM / CCBC Interview 建築信息模擬經理 / 協調員面試內容 |
DevB 20 BIM Uses 發展局的廿項BIM用途 |
Navisworks Pipe Size & Length Navisworks攞喉長度尺吋 |
Poisson Distribution in BS 泊松分佈於機電工程的應用 |
BS Engineer View on "Rainbow Game" 屋宇設備工程師點睇"擲𥝞虹"遊戲 |
BS Engineer View on "Doppler Effect" 屋宇設備工程師點思考日常生活遇到嘅"多普勒效應" |
HK BS Market 香港屋宇設備市場 |
BS Engineer Salary & Social Status 屋宇設備工程師之人工及社會地位 |
BS Engineer Salary & Social Status (2) 再談屋宇設備工程師之專業形象、人工及社會地位 |
BS Engineer Accept their Fate or not 屋宇設備工程師之「認命」與「唔認命」 |
BS Engineer "Power of Speech" 屋宇設備工程師在香港的話語權 |
Restaurant Partition 食肆隔板 |
How to deal with workplace bullying in the engineering field, low initial salary, and lack of support? (Part 1) 如何面對工程界職場霸凌、入行初期人工低冇支援等問題?(上) |
BS Engineer 必讀資源 |
Electrical Life 電氣生涯 (學電氣硬核知識必讀) |
EMLIFE 機電人生 (好好嘅學習電氣知識網站) |
Dinhaylo 電氣佬 (另一個好好嘅學習電氣知識網站) |
Plumbing Man 水喉佬 (Research級別嘅內容,讀完就知做plumb drain唔係咁簡單) |
C-Fu Chan Youtube Channel (Plumb Drain人實戰必讀) |
Plumbing Guy Youtube Channel (又係一個好好嘅學習Plumb Drain頻道) |
工料測量日常(QS) (响工程界打滾必讀) |
hi Ching, 可唔可以介紹下冷氣用既thermal insulation?
回覆刪除good idea
刪除flexible rubber hose