
[BS] 問﹕考BS工程師牌第三步之(五),寫好份Report (E: Commitment to professional standards)

同樣,睇呢篇之前最好睇返之前嗰三篇講關於A, B, C, D係點寫先。

E項都係唔容易肥嘅一項,可以睇成係雜項,睇下E項Commitment to professional standards CIBSE Application Guidance for Member (MCIBSE) 嘅原文﹕


E1 即係講你有冇遵從一啲嘅法律條文,如香港嘅ICAC Cap.201嘅防賄賂條例呀、BD Cap.123嘅建築物條例呀、BEEO嘅Cap.610建築物能源效益條例呀等等;當然仲有啲學會嘅Code of Conduct e.g. CIBSE's Code of Professional Conduct. 唔好睇小,香港考牌面試入場前真係要睇過先好入去,我係有識人香港考入去被問CIBSE Code of Professional Conduct 而被人肥咗。以下係我簡短整理過嘅標題黨被大家參考﹕

1to uphold dignity and reputation of their profession / safeguard public interest as to arts, science, and practice of BSE
2exercise professional skills and judgement to the best of their skill
3actively maintain / encourage others to mainntain professional competence through systematic training and broadening of their knowledge
4disclose to client any significant interest in other company
5declare if conflict of interests
6due regard to safety, health and welfare of themselves and general public
7due regard to environment
8promote equal opportunities
9shall not offer / accept interests/payment to secure work / employment
10shall not undertake work for which they knowingly lack sufficient knowledge
11shall not knowingly misrepresent the view of CIBSE
12shall not serve their own interest nor their client when acting as a representative
1act with due skill, care, diligence and with proper regard for professional standard
2prevent avoidable danger to health or safety
3prevent avoidable adverse impact on the environment and society
4Maintain their competence, undertake only professional tasks for which they are competent, and disclose relevant limitations of competence
5Accept appropriate responsibility for work
6Treat all persons fairly and with respect
7Encourage others to advance their learning and competence
8Observe the proper duties of confidentiality
9Assess and manage relevant risks and communicate these appropriately
10Assess relevant liability, and if appropriate hold professional indemnity insurance
HKIE (from constitution of HKIE)
Rule 1Responsibility to profession - to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the Profession
- Give opinions in his professional capacity that are, to the best of his ability, objective, reliable and honest
- treat colleagues and co-workers fairly and not misuse the advantage of position
Rule 2Responsibility to colleagues - not maliciously or recklessly injure nor attempt to injure professional reputation of another engineer, shall foster the mutual advancement of the profession
- seek, accept and offer honest criticism of work and properly credit the contributions of others
- interchange of information and experience with other
- assist and support colleagues and engineering trainees in their professional development
Rule 3Responsibility to Employer/Client - discharge his duties with integrity, in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics
- advise his employer or client in anticipating the possible consequences of relevant developments that come to his knowledge
Rule 4Responsibility to the Public - his responsibilities to his employer shall at all times be governed by the overriding interest of the general public
- protect the safety, health and welfare of the public
- seek to extend public understanding of the engineering profession
- assess the environmental consequences of work, and if practicable to improve, the environment
- create through their projects a healthy and agreeable outdoor and
indoor environment
- minimise the use of non-renewable resources, to conserve energy and to minimise the generation of waste;
- consider and explain in their proposals the measures required to protect and improve the environment
- seek to balance costs with the best benefit to the environment and to human society, to achieve the most suitable practical environmental option, by utilising the best available technology and techniques without entailing excessive costs
- encourage management to follow positive environmental policies

E2 係講你做工程嗰陣有跟安全相關程序及指引。如果係consultant的話,一般係會寫點响個設計上已跟安全標準或考慮到日後安裝、搬運、維修等安全事宜;contractor的話就再易寫啲,即係寫BS工程項目on site constructoin works嘅安全程序/指引, preparea safety proposal同埋確保approved proposal 能夠落實執行等等。

E3 即係講你有冇做一啲green / sustainable design, 詳見<Innovative / Environmental Friendly BS Design>一文,有參與過任何一項嘅寫落去就得,包羅萬樣,响香港做得BS嘅都應該唔會完全冇接觸過;甚至你寫你平日做嘅工程有跟BEEO或環保例等等都得。不過對消防出身嘅朋友呢項係最難寫,亦係消防人最易肥嘅一範。如果想考牌較順利,或者都係要主動啦公司舉手參與一啲plumbing environmental friendly 嘅項目,如兩水收集之類。

E4 係講你有冇上CPD/讀BS course, 甚至係MBA之類項目管理課程等終生持續學習,同埋有冇將你學到嘅知識以唔同形式分享返出去。呢項都係易寫嘅一項,我暫時係未見過有人肥呢項。

E5 呢...話說作者考嗰陣係冇呢項,所以我都唔熟。據CIBSE Application Guidance for Member (MCIBSE)所講,主要係Engineering Conucil's Statement of Ethical Principles入面嗰堆倫理準則,包括 1. Honesty and integrity; 2. Respect for life, law, the environment and public good; 3. Accuracy and rigour; 4. Leadership and communication; 字面睇,呢啲咁基本嘅嘢,要套返入你平日嘅工作入面似乎不太難。

同樣以CIBSE比出嚟個Competency based sample 1呢個實質啲嘅例子做參考﹕


同樣,強烈建議參考IMechE個template, 一個大項包齊E1, E2, E3, E4, E5

