
[Renew./Inno.] [AC] [EL] [PD] 問﹕有啲乜Innovative / Environmental Friendly Building Services Design?


Heat Recovery Chiller
我地平時Cooling Tower嗰Loop會帶走廢熱,但Heat Recovery Chiller 就利用呢啲廢熱嚟用,如Hot water storage.
但要注意既係,呢啲Low Temperature heat 好多時用途不太大,要Series 咁駁住Heat Pump 將呢啲Heat 升溫嚟變成啲更有用既熱,大概係37度升到45度;此外要留意埋個Condenser散熱,因為散熱唔會會影响個Chiller performance, 解決方案一係連埋個Cooling Tower 一齊用;解決方案二係散熱既水可能係Constant Flow嚟Ensure Chiller performance.
咁Heat Recovery Chiller 同 Heat Pump 有乜分別?兩者都係一頭比凍一頭熱。
Heat Recovery Chiller designed to CHILLED WATER;
Heat Pump designed to Hot Water.
前者Condense Loop uncontrolled, 為咗chilled water 穩定,所以會配合埋Cooling Tower 用;
後者Evaporative Loop uncontrolled;
Ice Storage System
用台Dual Mode Chiller 响夜晚做冰嚟Shift Load, 要配合Ice Storage Tank使用
通常係受惠電費政策先會用,因為Ice making, Ice melt 都會有energy loss, 兼且Dual Mode Chiller Ice Making Mode個COP都唔會太高,大概3.5
夜晚﹕行Normal Chiller + Ice Making Mode
日頭﹕1. 行Normal Chiller; 2. Melting Ice; 3. Peak到都頂唔晒嗰陣先係Dual Mode Chiller, 因為Dual Mode Chiller 個COP就算係佢Normal Condition COP 都係比普通Chiller低
Sea Water Cooling
响個Condenser嗰 Loop用海水冷却而唔係用Cooling Tower, 分為Direct Sea Water Cooling & Indirector Sea Water Cooling, 後者多個Heat Exchanger冇咁易積垃圾或海洋生物,但效率當然會低咗。但Heat Exchanger 都好,一樣會有垃圾或微生物積响條管度降低效率,可彩取以下方法﹕
- Mesh Screen
- Electro-Chlorination, 大概就係利用電解海水後一系列化學反應殺微生物;
- Biocides, 即係殺蟲劑
仲有種叫Surface Water Cooling, 唔用Chiller進一步降溫直接經Heat Exchanger用,大前提都係,要有合適水源

Chiller Single Loop with VSD

VAV with VSD

Indirect Evaporating Pre-cooling of Primary Air
一Loop用類似Cooling Tower原理整凍條管,再經Heat Exchanger pre-terat outdoor air

Absorption Chiller

Combined Cooling, Heat and Power CCHP (Trigeneration) or Combined Heat and Power CHP (Cogeneration)

Displacement Ventilation
平時啲冷氣係放得高,凍+相對高風速;但Displayment Ventilation 就放得低啲,及改以相對高溫及低風速派冷氣,再利用熱空氣向上升原理Return. 
咁做可以增加supply chilled water temperature 及減細啲把Return Fan風速,Louver出風風速低又可以降低System Pressure, 從而達到節能。經Temperature/Humidity Sensor控制個Modulating Volume Control Damper大細嚟調節。

Heat Recovery Wheel / Disiccant Wheel / Heat Pipe / Liquid Desiccant 

Radiant Ceiling / Chilled Beam / Chilled Ceiling
室內熱量通過Natural Convection & Radiation 由Ceiling Chilled Beam吸收,再冷空氣向下沉,慳返啲Ventilation Fan,再以Dehumidification Air control humidity

District Cooling

All Variable Speed Chilled Water Plant Control
將Chillers, Chilled Water Pumps, Condensing Water Pumps, Cooling Tower Fans 都配VSD, 再做個Central 統一控制去optimize

Fuzzy (音﹕花時) Logic Control Algorithms
Traditional Logic: 唔係1 就係 0, 溫度低過某水平,就開盡冷氣;一夠凍就熄機,會成日又開又關做成耗能。
Fuzzy Logic Control: 考慮多個因素諸如濕度、溫度等因素再做一個加權平均數嚟做調整。
Fuzzy Logic 就放多好多考慮參數入去,例如呢期有冇好嘢食,心情如何,運動量如何等等,最後得出一個參數再決定食定唔食。
响冷氣系統度,呢啲參數可能係溫度、溫度、Occupancy Patterns etc.

Physical Scale Prevention Technologies
- Electromagnetic Induction Device
Chiller防水垢,响Condense Loop嗰度加個Electromagnetic Induction Device
咁做可以改變雜質既化學特性令其更加Soluble in water insteat of form hard scale.
- Automatic Tube Cleansing System
射啲波波入去刷水垢再接返,主要洗個Chiller Condenser

Central Control & Monitoring System CCMS or Building Management System BMS
Computer software program, usually configured in a hierarchical manner, to control, monitor and manage all the equipment installed in the building.

Oil Free Chiller

Solid State Refrigeration
即係制冷片,COP不高,暫時只係用响啲冷熱水機度,當然有可能有朝一日好似Heat Pump咁成為主流。呢種嘢最大特點係唔洗好似普通Chiller Plant咁要compressor特mechanical moving parts, low maintenance fee, 但同一時間都係要散熱,如果廢熱可以好似Heat Pump咁有效運用就好得多。

Power Factor Correction Device
BEEO有講Power Lagging要求,Impedance load 用到

Harmonic Filter
首先要知乜嘢係Linear Load乜嘢係Non Linear Load
Linear Load - 好似一隻普通摩打咁,比Voltage落去,個Impedance係Constant, Voltage同Current係Proportional;
Non Linear Load - Impedance not constant, Current is not proportion to voltage, 但都會顯示週期特性。VSD, Electronic / IT Devices are example.
呢啲Non Linear Load 會制造unwanted current to electrical system, 可以加Harmonic Filter 解決,分別係Passive & Passive. 顧名思義,一種係做個類似Air Filter, 另一種係造一種同佢完全反方向既Current進行抵消。BEEO有講Total Harmonic Distortion THD 要求。

Services on Demand Escalator
Hall Call Allocation, Double Deck, Energy Reclaim, VVVF

Light Emitting Capacitor (LEC) Exit Sign
特點﹕輕薄,慳電,High visibility in darkness & smoke, 唔洗點維護
同LED一樣,都係慳電。左圖係LEC, 右圖係LED

Tritium Self-Luminous Exit Sign
但呢隻輻射嘢嚟要過Radiation Board of Hong Kong

Lighting (Digital & Addressable Lighting Interface DALI, Occupancy Sensors, Photocell Sensors)

Tubular Daylighting System

Nano Reflector / Mirro Reflector

High Effieiency Motor & VSD

Grey Water / Rain Water Recovery
收集啲雨水嚟淋花,或Cooling Tower 啲Bleed-off用嚟沖廁。

之後要加Carbon Filter, Sand Filter, Ultraviolet Sterilizer 嚟加工啲水

Water Tap / Urinal / WC Infra Red Sensor, Dual Volume Flushing

Wind Turbine
詳細接Grid等注意事項please refer: https://elvissharing.blogspot.com/2020/03/renewinno-solar-related-system-with.html

香港冇乜機會用,得個知字。原理大概係燒木碎或廢木點著個Gas Engine生熱或做熱水。

 Fuel Cells
香港冇乜聽過,都係得個知字。原理係同電池類似係用Chemical Energy,一頭用Hydrogen。電池當然係做直流電出嚟再轉AC,生產出嚟既廢熱可用於煲水或Absorption Chiller.

Ground Source System / Ground Source Heat Pumps

(Source: EMSD, BSRIA)

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