
[AC] [EL] 問﹕Super High Rise Building 响機電設計上有啲乜特別要留意?


Design Temperature, 去到500米高Design Outdoor Temperature要預細一兩度。


Stack Effect

Stack Effect 成因﹕
冬天﹕Building裡面熱空氣(Equipment / Human Load, or heating) 向上升,以致氣壓低;
出面室溫凍,空氣經由Lift Shaft 或 樓梯由低層向上扯;

Stack Effect 後果﹕
- 開Entrance Door, Lift Door difficulty, 兼且High frequency noises from gaps in the elevator doors 好似吹口哨咁;
- Energy consumption, also reverse flow; 

Stack Effect 解決方法﹕
Active - Pressurize lift lobby; temperature control of lift shaft; 
Passive - Builder 嘢多,e.g. Revolving door; Adding separation door between main entrance lobby and office passenger lift lobby; Lift machine room 門關實啲;


Hydraulic Zoning

Hydraulic Loop 數量
少到冇得唔得?可唔可以Underground 放Chiller Plant 跟住一嘢行晒成棟樓?唔得,因為Chiller也好,泵也好,Terminal / Heat Exchanger也好都頂唔到呢個壓力,呢啲嘢大概極限只係20-25bar, 但10M 1bar計,打上五、六百米高冇可能唔分Loop.
引出第一個結論,就係冇可能唔分Loop, 之後就睇第二個問題

Chilled Water Temperature
分多幾Loop後意味住Chilled Water Temperature 上升。
由得加Loop當冇事發生過得唔得?唔得,因為每多一LOOP,就多一個位energy consumption, 此其一;越多Loop後Chilled Water 溫度越高,Humidity Control 越難做,同時意味住要更大風量先Achieve 到Design condition, 即係要更粗Air Duct 殺低個Head Room;
另一個解決方法係降低supply chilled water temperature, 咁的話去到後啲既loop都維持得返chilled water temperature正常水平;但太低的話,又會影响個COP;

Separated Chiller Plant or Centralized Plant
雖然Separated Plant  可解決要用N個Hydraulic Loop 問題,但同時有其他劣勢,諸如部Chiller放咁高壞咗枱走問題,增加Vibration / Noise 响主要房間問題,增加Structural Loading etc.
Centralized Plant 响 operation, maintenance and energy optimization 上更有優勢;

Super High Rise Building Hydraulic Zoning Example:

如果唔拆loop, 改用Pressure Reducing Valve又得唔得?唔得,因為PRV只係用响open loop system, 如果用响close loop, 會唔夠壓力回水﹕



Central Pretreated Air System or Direct Fresh Air System

Central Pretreated Air System
- PAU located in mechanical floor and refugee floor, main riser in building core (Spatial)
- Reduce AHU room area on each floor (Spatial)
- Central treatment of noise & vibration
- Heat recovery
- Maintenance in mechanical floor

Direct Fresh Air System
- Fresh air can be adjusted according to individual zone
- Reduce riser size (Spatial)


- 起碼要有一部大型既Lift由頂到兼有一定載重力由頂到底,用嚟運大型物件;此外要留意個Lift Shaft 會有Piston Effect, 可能要裝特別Louver / Ventilation


Backup plan
用Air Cooled Chiller Backup sensitivity area


