Social Welfare Department 社會褔利署出過一本守則,Code of Practice for Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons), 亦都有條叫安老院條例 Cap. 459 Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance;
啲嘢寫到好general, 不外乎FS 161, FS 251, FS 314 / 5014; WR1; Certification for gas installation etc.;
How to enhance MEP design against coronavirus-19 in elderly center
- Install air purifier for occupant area
- sufficient separation (greater than 5m) between intake and exhaust louvre
- bathroom(toilet) for each dormitory will have independent ventilation system and direct fresh air intake from window.,ach dormitory is provided with openable window
- low level exhaust will be provided for those public toilets to minimize air contaminants in the breathing zone/ level.
- each dormitory is provided with individual fresh air fan connecting directly from external
- Install air purifier for occupant area
- sufficient separation (greater than 5m) between intake and exhaust louvre
- bathroom(toilet) for each dormitory will have independent ventilation system and direct fresh air intake from window.,ach dormitory is provided with openable window
- low level exhaust will be provided for those public toilets to minimize air contaminants in the breathing zone/ level.
- each dormitory is provided with individual fresh air fan connecting directly from external
- Heating equipment
- re-filling pipe connecting to u-trap of floor drain.
- vent pipe outlet for drainage pipe riser will be at roof above parapet wall.
- Public Address PA system
- Electrical Call Bell
- Water Heater
- lift will be capable to be isolated to one dedicated floor in case that particular floor is designated as isolated floor to reduce contact with other floors
- Smoke detection system provide used for sleeping accommodation.
- sufficient access panels or air cleansing points for air duct cleaning and inspection.
- stop using air-to-air heat recovery system to limit the air transmission risk.
- frequent cleaning/ replacement of air filters, including fresh air fan filter and AC
indoor unit air filter.
- regular cleaning of ventilation duct work.
- sufficient access panels or air cleansing points for air duct cleaning and inspection.
- stop using air-to-air heat recovery system to limit the air transmission risk.
- frequent cleaning/ replacement of air filters, including fresh air fan filter and AC
indoor unit air filter.
- regular cleaning of ventilation duct work.

(鳴謝﹕紅豆、諾克Sir;Source: )