- Transformer efficiency: above 99%;
-Max. allowable copper loss for Main circuit, Feeder Circuit, Sub-main Circuit and Final Circuit;
-Max. allowable copper loss for Main circuit, Feeder Circuit, Sub-main Circuit and Final Circuit;
- Main circuit (Tx to LV switch board) 0.5%;
- Feeder (LV switch board to equipment) 2.5%;
- Sub main circuit (LV switch board to local distrubution board) 矮過100m 1.5%; 高過100m 2.5%;
- Final circuit (Local distrubution board to equipment) 1%;
- Balancing of single phase loads: 3 phase 4 wire circuits 大過400A 而又有 1 phase load 的話,max unbalanced single phase loads 要少過10%;
- Min. allowable total Power Factor: 大過400A的話,要細過 0.85;
-Max. allowable total Harmonic Distortion: Harmonic Distortion in % of Designed Circuit Current 受限,Designed Circuit Current 越大,允許既% 越細 (同copper loss 一樣有公式計);
- Metering and Monitoring in above circuit for energy aduit;
- Min allowable motor efficiency, 2-pole (單相) and 4-pole (三相) , motor rated output 越大,所以要既efficiency 越高;
