Indoor Design: 30°C D.B., 60% R.H., Slightly Negative Pressure; Low exhaust; 4-6 ACH; 派風要平均;
- 30°C D.B. reduce operating cost; 雖然更容易condense (平時可能16°C, 但而家22°C就condense), 但送風溫度可以增加,減低energy consumption;
- 60% R.H. 係响comfort同energy consumption之間攞個平衡,再高啲人唔舒適,低啲就嘥電;仲有如果濕度太高會growth of mold and fungi;
- Negative pressure 係為咗避免啲水氣到處走,因為泳池既水氣有Chloramine, 會腐融建築物;
- Low Exhaust near the surface of the pool assist evaculating chloramine;
- 派風唔平均會局部condense;

- 有水入面既泳池燈的話,25V內;
- 泳池所有地方包括水面要有200lux及一個鐘後備電;
- 有蓋池四個鐘換水一次;露天六個鐘一次;每年最少成個池抽乾一次;
ASD都有一本專係Swimming Pool Water Treatment General Specfication
Filtration Plant Example, 啲泳池水係會經Sand Filter, Chemical, 再過Heat Pump / Heater (如有需要)。
- 有蓋池四個鐘換水一次;露天六個鐘一次;每年最少成個池抽乾一次;
ASD都有一本專係Swimming Pool Water Treatment General Specfication
Filtration Plant Example, 啲泳池水係會經Sand Filter, Chemical, 再過Heat Pump / Heater (如有需要)。
回覆刪除2019 ASHRAE Handbook Applicaiton Chapter 6 Indoor Swimming Pool: "To minimize evaporation and operating costs, the air temperature should be kept as warm as is practical, ideally at or above the water temperature, with a maximum of 30°C db, which is generally understood to the maximum for human comfort."