According to App-35 & Cap. 123, Section 38:
[AC] [EL] [FS] [PD]
-AC: Centralised ventilation 的話, air purifier before final discharge; or mechanical fan + particulate if no particular odour;
-AC: 如果係 centralised ventilation system, exhaust 要放upper roof; 但如果周圍被高樓包住,discharge就放返响RS&MRC;
- AC: RS&MRC房裡面要有air purifying devices, e.g. Chemical air scrubber, bio-oxygen generator, photo-oxidation generator etc.;
- at least 3 ACH;
- DR: min. 100mm pipe to Back Inlet Trapped Gully BITG;
- PL: Water supply point;
- FS: Sprinkler, Fire Alarm
- EL: min. 120 lux;
-乎合Noise Control Ordinance (Cap 400);
- Refuse chutes should be vertical;

成間嘢個大細有規管, from BD App-35

(Source: Cap. 123, Section 38)