Luminous Flux: (光通量)
單位(Lumen) ,描述一個光源既發光能力
[1 lux=1lm/m2, 概念同 Density=mass/volume 一樣]
Efficacy: (發光效率)
發光效率, 單位 (lm/W)
燈膽 8-18lm/W; 光管 37-100lm/W, 明顯地光管發光效率較高
Colour Temperature: (色溫)
Colour Rendering: (顯色性)
用Ra, 0-100, 數值越高,越能令物件體現出其真實顏色, 鎢絲燈及卥鎢燈可去到95
Design 上,Lighting Power Density 跟EMSD BEEO; 用幾多Lux就跟CIBSE Code
for Interior Lighting
Design 上,Lighting Power Density 跟EMSD BEEO; 用幾多Lux就跟CIBSE Code
for Interior Lighting
Incandescent Lamp:
特徵﹕Low installation and replacement cost, Excellent colour rendering, Instantanouos
on/off, Short life, Low efficacy, high heat output
on/off, Short life, Low efficacy, high heat output
Tubular Fluorescent Lamp:
Good efficacy, Broad range of colour rendering & temperature, With control gear
Compact Fluorescent Lamp:
原理同 fluorescent lamp 一樣,只不過個型狀係燈膽型燈膽頭
特徵﹕Direct replacement for incandescent lamp, Control gear integral in the lamp,
relative high initial cost, less efficiency than tubular
relative high initial cost, less efficiency than tubular
Sodium Lamp:
External lighting, Highest efficacy, Long Lift, Poor colour rendering
External lighting, Highest efficacy, Long Lift, Poor colour rendering
High Pressure Mercury Lamp:
Replaced by high pressure sodium and metal halide lamp, 冇乜點用,得個知字
Replaced by high pressure sodium and metal halide lamp, 冇乜點用,得個知字
Metal Halide Lamp:
Good efficacy, Good colour rendering, Long life, floodlight, long start up and
restrike time, 由於colour rendering好,所以响啲精緻裝飾地方會用
Good efficacy, Good colour rendering, Long life, floodlight, long start up and
restrike time, 由於colour rendering好,所以响啲精緻裝飾地方會用
High efficacy, instant light, fitted into existing lighting fittings, various colour temperature,
low voltage supply, long life, realiable, colour rendering都好
Lighting Energy Saving Strategies有下列幾種
- Digital & Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI): 簡單嚟講即係CCMS;
- Occupancy Sensor: 冇人郁就算動熄燈;
- Photocell Sensor: 放近窗邊,夠光就自動關啲燈;
low voltage supply, long life, realiable, colour rendering都好
Lighting Energy Saving Strategies有下列幾種
- Digital & Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI): 簡單嚟講即係CCMS;
- Occupancy Sensor: 冇人郁就算動熄燈;
- Photocell Sensor: 放近窗邊,夠光就自動關啲燈;
- Task Lighting, 即係大環境放少啲燈,但跟據辦公室佈置每位比啲localized啲既燈;
- T5管或Electronic Ballast, 相對Low既答法,因為都已面臨全面淘汰;
- Astronomical Time Switch - 自動決定某啲燈如Landscape Lighting幾時開,配合埋
Photocell Sensor用
- Astronomical Time Switch - 自動決定某啲燈如Landscape Lighting幾時開,配合埋
Photocell Sensor用
Emergency Lighting
當冇咗燈嗰陣,照住成條exit route.
紅皮書要求Escape Route 1 Lux, Staircase 1 lux;
Central Battery, 呢舊電起碼要頂到30mins直到發電機著
Exit Sign
min. 2 hours
Emergency Lighting
當冇咗燈嗰陣,照住成條exit route.
紅皮書要求Escape Route 1 Lux, Staircase 1 lux;
Central Battery, 呢舊電起碼要頂到30mins直到發電機著
Exit Sign
min. 2 hours
Lumen Method

Lumen Method

N = number of lamps required.
E = illuminance level required (lux)
A = area at working plane height (m2)
F = average luminous flux from each lamp (lm)
UF = utilisation factor, an allowance for the light distribution of the luminaire
and the room surfaces.
MF = maintenance factor, an allowance for reduced light output because of
deterioration and dirt.
Also reference: Football Field / Stadium Lighting Design
- Digital & Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI): 簡單嚟講即係CCMS;
DALI 只係一種lighting control的制式而已,當然還有lighting control包括最簡單嘅hard wiring control、以及0-10V、Phase dimming(PMW)等等。
CCMS代表嘅係一個系統,lighting control只係其中嘅一個分項。
- Occupancy Sensor: 冇人郁就算動熄燈;
一般嘅design concept/intend係detect到有人先會著燈,熄燈係靠timer count down。
想問UF 同 MF 既數值可以參考咩standard / code ?