
為何被HKIE fail嘅考生會唔服氣?

除咗前文<HKIE RRA形同虛設 之 考官自訂遊戲規則>提及過嘅一系列潛規則外,考生好多時都係被一堆莫明奇妙、令人摸不著頭腦嘅評語fail。我地今次試下唔睇個別考生嘅評語,而係睇下HKIE官方出嘅fail考生評語。以HKIE BSS為例,可以到HKIE > Downloads (Information and Forms) > Examiner Report (Building Services Discipline) 搵到。為方便閱讀,筆者將原文節錄出嚟﹕

Reason(s) for Failure
1Five competences standards could not be met / demonstrated. This might probably be due to the candidate’s actual involvement in the projects (e.g., not deep enough in the design / installation / T&C processes) due to the nature of work / department.
2In view of the fact that the performance of the candidate for most of the competences cannot meet the required standard. More importantly, the candidate does not have sufficient solid design experience in HVAC, plumbing and drainage.
3The candidate is lack of practical experience on project. The candidate could not apply the principles to the projects. Some rule-of-thumb figures could not be expressed or even know. Therefore, the candidate is not competent.


1. 唔識 / 唔熟 rule of thumb figures;

2. 唔夠 solid design experience in HVAC, plumbing and drainage;

3. 由於所在工作部門嘅性質,以致唔熟 design / installation / T&C processes;

先睇1., 究竟要識邊啲 / 知道有邊啲嘅 rule of thumb 先為之合格?話說英國 Building Services Research and Information Association BSRIA 出過一本天書,叫"BSRIA - Rules of Thumb, Guidelines for Building Services (5th Edition)”[1]。本嘢大概有一百頁,涵蓋多個領域,見下圖該書嘅目錄﹕
要識到幾深入先為之合格?一百頁全部背熟?定係隨手抽一條,如 3500kW Water Cooled Chillers installation  area  and plantroom height requirement, 要即答得出係101 m2, 3.4m 先為之識or熟? 見下圖﹕ 定係做標題黨,噏得晒本天書嗰幾十個標題已經ok?如果我隨手抽一條問返個考官,佢又答唔答得出?又抑或係講緊本地嘅Rules of Thumb? 中電 / 港燈牛房、或水記嗰啲?定係一啲口耳相傳,如幾層樓就要一部lift / 幾多square fts 就要一噸冷水嗰啲?學會有冇定義過條邊界响邊?唔係行業公認、冇白紙黑字寫入Guidelines or Standards嘅知識,又適唔適合用嚟做考試嘅問題?一啲口耳相傳說法不一嘅rules of thumb,真係考牌必備嘅知識?考生需要識到幾闊幾深,先可以避免"唔識 / 唔熟 rule of thumb figures"呢句評語?乜competence criteria有話過要識得晒所有BS嘅 rules of thumb先為之合格嘅工程師?

再睇2., 既然有唔solid嘅 HVAC / PD design experience,即係有solid嘅啦。究竟係點嘅Design experience先為之夠solid?將成本 Fundamentals, Design & Control of Air-conditioning Systems (2nd Edition)
[2] 全方位毫無死角地掌握?定係考官隨手抽問一個系統嚟問,如 Two-loop pumping system with variable speed secondary-loop chilled water pumps and differential pressure transmitter for pump speed control (p.295) [2]﹕

考生大概答得出上述系統嘅原理就算solid?定係應該跟competence criteria,只問考生做過嘅嘢?一個BS考生係應該掌握得晒風火水電全方位嘅solid design?條邊界呢?再以HKIE BSS範圍[3]嘅第一項HVAC第一item “Psychometry” 為例,應該要認識到有幾深?或者會有考官認為,對 Psychrometric Chart 有深入認識都係做 solid design 必不可少嘅一部份,所以認為考生係要答得出張 Psychrometric Chart 點"做"出嚟,而唔係單單講得出張 Psy Chart 點用或上面有啲乜[4]。要知道,真係有考生被HKIE BSS嘅考官問過上述問題[5]兼以此為由fail佢。究竟要識到有幾深先避免到"唔夠 solid design experience in HVAC"呢句評語? 講到底,問題出在"Solid”呢個虛無縹緲、含糊其辭嘅字上。

睇埋3., 呢個比較簡單易理解。即係話 Consultant 唔熟 installation / T&C processes; Contractor 唔熟 Design。問題又嚟,條邊界係邊度?一個 contractor 做咗十年後,應該再返去 consultant 做多十年八載,先有資格考牌?做開Design 嘅Consultant 又要對 Installation / T&C processes 有幾熟先滿足到HKIE BSS嘅要求?有冇官方文件寫過?係唔係要熟讀 ArchSD 十三本 Testing and Commission Procedures [6]先叫熟 T&C?如果係嘅,點解清清楚楚寫出嚟?但HKIE 嘅 competence criteria 又冇要求全部識晒喎,定係只熟悉自己做過嗰範系統嘅 T&C 就已經合格?有冇白紙黑紙寫過呢方面嘅指引出嚟?

簡單嚟講,官方出版嘅整段評語就係反覆指控考生"唔掂",至於點樣唔掂,就含糊其辭輕輕帶過。收到咁嘅評語,叫考生點服氣,點信得過HKIE套考牌制度? 我地又試下換個角度,睇下鬼佬考官肥一個考生後,係會寫啲乜評語及建議。以Engineers Australia EA 為例﹕ "The candidate was unable to demonstrate a proficient understanding of the principles and content of the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics in English. It is suggested that the candidate participate in the IELTS exam and achieve a score of 7 or higher, as well as write a 2000-word essay explaining the aforementioned topic." 又睇下IMechE UK嘅考官係點寫﹕ "Although the candidate has a master's degree, he was unable to clearly explain the working principle of the centrifugal pump used in the project during the interview. It is recommended that he strengthens his learning in this area, including revisiting textbooks on fundamental engineering principles.

CIBSE UK考官﹕ "Since the candidate's demonstrated Building Services design experience was limited to temporary electrical design on a construction site, he failed to prove his ability to solve problems involving new technologies and develop innovative analytical techniques." 再睇下IET UK考官肥考生嘅評語及建議﹕ "His engineering design work displayed no signs of inventive design or innovation, apart from the incorporation of LED lighting and rudimentary lighting controls, which are typically found in products from standard manufacturers. In an essay format, kindly elaborate on your individual technical involvement in a recent design project, specifically focusing on elements such as calculations, technical choices, investigative work, and any innovative features." 可以睇到,鬼佬考官肥考生嘅原因及建議,係好清晰及具體。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


[1]: 呢本天書係2011年版,有一本2024年版嘅”Space and Weight Allowances”補充及更新舊版部份資料。

[2]: 免費好書,本地教授 Professor Francis W.H. Yik 寫嘅,從事冷氣嘅朋友強烈建議睇下。下載網址﹕https://www.learnerthon.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/FDCACS_2ndEd_03032022.pdf


Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioningpsychometry; thermal comfort; thermal load calculations; ventilation design; HVAC systems and equipment; air duct design and space air diffusion; refrigerationsystems
Electrical Servicespower supply and distribution; load estimation; electrical safety and protective devices; earthing and bonding systems; emergency and standby power; testing and code requirements
Fire Servicesfire characteristics and hazards; fire safety and code requirements; water-based systems; gas-based systems; fire detection and alarm systems; smoke control and fire engineering approach
Utility Servicesplumbing engineering; water supply systems; sanitation and drainage systems; steam systems; fuel gas supply; telecommunication services; extra low voltage systems; vertical transportation
Lighting Engineeringlight and colour; principles of vision; human eye; light sources and luminaires; lighting design and calculations; daylighting design; lighting energy management
Project Engineering Managementbuilding contract administration; project planning and control; tendering processes; site organization and safety management; dispute resolution; decision making; engineering management

[4]: 正確嘅答案係,係要準確引用 Willis H. Carrier 1911年於 Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 發表嘅一篇論文 "Rational Psychrometric Formulae" 裡面嘅內容,論文網址﹕https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Rational_Psychrometric_Formulae/Paper [5]: 筆者前文<工程師考牌面試問啲乜?>分享過

[6]: ArchSD: https://www.archsd.gov.hk/en/publications-publicity/testing-commissioning-procedure.html

